The Reasons for this website:
Having isolated more than 200 Eastern Orthodox heresies and errors recently, I now intend to deal with them on 2 different websites in two different ways:
1) Here - I intend to give a short explanation of each heresy on the list, then use buttons and links on this website to deal with the topics.
2) on the sister website called orthodox church america.com I intend to more strictly organise the entire website around a list of the 200 heresies, also providing subpages with Orthodox quotes to prove the reality of each error or heresy.
If put on a percentage ratio on websites and YouTube videos, I would say Protestants take apart Roman Catholic heretical theology 99% in comparison to 1% Orthodox, and so I am trying to address that imbalance here. The souls of Greek and Russian people, etc, are just as important to witness to as Catholics in places like Spain.
by doing this I wish to:
1) Bring those indoctrinated into, and deceived by, Eastern Orthodoxy to a knowledge of salvation in Christ.
2) Empower Evangelicals and Protestants with a site that clearly expounds Eastern Orthodox doctrine and errors, so they can witness to the Orthodox more easily. I say this because the Orthodox deliberately present an unclear view of their beliefs in order to entrap and then ridicule anyone not accepting the false power of their bishops.
Under construction:
This website is under construction, but I am opening it before I finish it because I think it will be spiritually useful to people. (thus please forgive the typos and grammar errors) I am making it because I became concerned that in the USA, Europe and Great Britain the Eastern Orthodox religion is not as well known by Evangelicals and Protestants as Roman Catholicism is, and subsequently the Orthodox are not being witnessed to effectively. The religion is similar to Catholicism, so most of their theology I have found simple to research, but a few issues I have bided my time before trying to teach on the subjects as I saw contradictory definitions of them, and I wanted to be sure I represented the topics accurately, one such subject being ancestral sin.
My Characteristic teachings:
The doctrines that I believe that differ from some other Evangelical or Protestant teachers are:
1) Narrow is the way, and few there be who find it.
Proven by the fact that so many people who call themselves Christians in our modern day and age fit the profile of Apostasy described in the bible.
2) Killing people is forbidden by Jesus in the law of the new and better covenant:
This includes killing in a war (no matter how just you think the cause of the war is), capital punishment, abortion, revenge, and also defense of yourself, or even your family. A Christian should die before he takes another person's life, even those of his worst enemies.
To make this absolutely clear - I deny anyone is a real Christian (a follower of Christ) who believes in killing other people himself. Because the governments of this world are, in general, used by God (Romans 13) this is simply a better alternative than anarchy (Genesis 6:11), and does not justify their deeds.
3) Christian marriage is for life:
Nothing ends a Christian to Christian marriage. Desertion, or adultery, or any other reason, are not grounds for divorce and remarriage.
The one and only exception is to quote the KJV Bible in Matthew 5:32 "fornication". This word is qualified by its context, and it simply cannot include or mean post marital adultery. An example of this is a woman saying she is a virgin and she is not, which is discovered after marriage but before consummation. In such circumstances the man can divorce the woman and remarry (marriage is a covenant so they were married).
I do not accept at all two recent modern heresies
1) Hebrew Roots heresy - that Jesus only forbad remarriage if the paperwork was not ratified by "proper" rabbis.
2) That you must honour the second covenant in a remarriage, when such a second covenant is a bigamous marriage, not a true marriage at all, and that it is adultery proves God still sees the first marriage (and its covenant) as still intact,and the one to keep and honour. .
Christian marriage vows must be kept.
And YES I do believe in reconciling a former Christian to Christian marriage and that the ban on returning to a spouse (Deut 24:4) is now defunct old covenant law, not new covenant law.
4) I defend the KJV type Textus Receptus Greek:
There is a huge amount of scripture missing from the corrupted Greek Alexandrian Text, and many alterations. What is even worse is that the actual translation of the modern bibles is very poor in comparison to the KJV Bible.
Two of the most catastrophic changes made in these modern bibles are
1) The omission, or partial omission, of dozens of pacifist verses that are found in the KJV Bible.
2) The alteration of the Matthean clause of Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:9, to translate porneia as such words and phrases as "unless his wife has been unfaithful" or "sexual immorality" instead of the true scholastic rendering taking in to account its context that is "fornication". This has led to a tidal wave of divorce and remarriage in modern churches, and the pastors and teachers who have allowed it will have to answer to God.
5) There is only one church - all the people in the world who are born again believers.
6) The gospel by which we are saved is:
1 Cor 15:1-4 and Luke 24:44-48, that is - Christ crucified, Christ buried, Christ resurrected. Repentance is always present with a true believer, as a quality indicator of belief. Baptism plays no part whatsoever in salvation (1 Corinthians 1:17 says this). "The gospel by which we are saved is a very particular expression more specific than "good news" in general, such as God's gift of the sunshine and rain.
Salvation is in Christ alone. Baptism is part of what is called "The Great Commission" not the gospel. The common misconception that the water John 3:5 refers to water baptism is incorrect and heresy, and probably where the sacerdotalism domino effect of adding one sacrament after another into salvation began, bringing another man into your salvation. The water in John 3:5 refers to the water of the Holy Spirit in the next chapter John 4:13 "water even Spirit". The Orthodox Church has no single scripture quotation to describe their "triple synergy of Salvation" heresy, as their false gospel is not preached in the bible, it is a man made amalgam designed to empower priests to first take over people's spiritual lives, and then use it to build a religious-political empire.
7) I believe man has free will:
Calvinism is a caustic and dangerous heresy that has needlessly divided the born again Evangelical and Protestant church. Calvinists broadly fit into two categories,
1) Christians who are temporarily tricked by a large number of clever sophisms about the meaning of the word "fate", and who are at first unable to distinguish the difference between "creation" of sinners and "causation" of their sin.
2) Hardline Calvinists who have for years refused to heed the still small voice of the Holy Ghost leading them to repent of their insults about the character of God.
8) The Holy Spirit as Teacher of all believers: Evangelicals unashamedly profess and believe in having a relationship with God, were the Holy Spirit is our teacher. This is opposite to the teaching of Orthodoxy with their hand-me-down long list of false doctrines, by a pseudo church full of man-made rituals, rites, religious trappings and devotion by rote.
Protestant :
"But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them." Mark 13:9
It is interesting that here Jesus seems to point out that at the end of the age, dying avoiding the 666 mark, he tells them to be Protestants, as the word Pro-testant mean "for-a testimony".
Please keep my use of vocabulary on this site in context:
True Evangelical Christians do not believe Orthodoxy is "a church", as they preach a separate gospel (see Gal 1:6-9). So whenever I use expressions like "Roman Catholic Church" and "Eastern Orthodox Church" it is tiresome and repetitive to keep writing "so called", or if I write "a bishop" or "a priest" to keep writing "so called", so remember that when I say these things it is taken for granted that I mean that they think they are real Christian ministries, or a real Christian church, but I deny they really are.