under going extensive editing.......
76) Communion of Saints.
similar to spiritism.
The Orthodox Church believes that all the people of God-members of the Church, either the living on earth or the departed in heaven-are in constant communion and fellowship with each other in faith, grace, and prayers, since they constitute one Body in Christ-the Church.
(this sounds like the cult called Spiritism! or the witch of Endore)
77) the Repose of souls of the dead?
A special service held in the Orthodox Church for the repose of the souls of the dead.
78) Consecration.
The unbiblical ordination of an individual to priesthood through Holy Orders (a sacrament in Catholicism but not Orthodoxy???). There is only a royal priesthood in the Christian Faith, not a priesthood offering up physical sacrifices.
(Gr. Heirotonia). The ordination of an individual to priesthood through the sacrament of Holy Orders.
(Catholicism only???)
79) Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. The "First Among Equals" of all the Orthodox autocephalous churches, it was founded by St. Andrew the Apostle. see also Hagia Sophia.
(since when? complete bunk.)
80) Epiklesis.
Is one of the most blasphemous pseudo-theological words on Planet Earth! The invoking, or prayer that the Holy Ghost might be involved in the blasphemy of the mass. At a certain point this may become the unforgivable blasphemy and explain why so few clergy convert to being real Christians preaching the Peace and Love doctrines of Christ.
Gr. Epiklesis). Special prayer or petition by the Priest to "invoke" or to call upon the Holy Spirit, in order that God's Grace will descend for the consecration of the Holy Gifts at the Eucharist.
(to many Evangelicals and Protestants Epiklesis would be seen as one of the most blasphemous words on Earth.)
81) Extraneous baptismal requirements:
refusing baptism to converts on the grounds they will not make commitments to the Eastern Orthodox perspective on tangled, complex and pedantic issues such as
1) The Filioque,
2) ousia (or how to best precisely express the essence of God,)
3)) and theological definitions like "Chalcedonian dyophysitism christology".
Does it sound "in the Spirit" for instance to insist a person is "Homoousios in doctrine" and not "homoiousios in doctrine"? A similar subject is the Monophysitism versus Dyophysitism or Miaphysitism debate.
81) Equal to the Apostles. (Gr. Isapostolos). An honorary title given to saints such as St. Constantine and St. Cyril and St. Methodios for their missionary work in the Church.
82) God-parent indoctrinators
1) The idea of God-parent sponsors at Baptism and Chrismation is not found in the scriptures. It is part of their indoctrination agenda, which is in itself sin. 82) God-parents marriage ban. (repeated in marriage heresy)
Catechism. A summary of doctrine and instruction, teaching the Orthodox faith in the form of questions and answers. The catechetical or Sunday school of each parish is responsible for such "instruction" of children or other faithful.
God-parents at christmation.
note: their sinister indoctrination process.
83) Defining the true gospel and church as Heterodox.
meaning "alien" or "not acceptable standards" and thus labelling all other churches false belief or teaching. The Orthodox Church describes as such all other Christian denominations.
84) Ancestral sin:
(notice they do not define this on the eoca site.) The concept differs from original sin firstly in that it emphasises 3 consequences of the Fall of Adam upon humanity not one:
1) Thereinafter was death
2) Thereinafter was increased suffering and toil
3) Thereinafter mankind's will was weakened.
It differs from Calvinist ideas by (quite rightly) saying that the doctrine that mankind became "totally depraved" in nature is too extreme, but they believe also the Arminian definition of man being "depraved" but not "totally" goes too far too, and that man is essentially good in nature, the closest idea in western theology being the term Semi-Pelagianism, in that where Arminians say man cannot make the first steps toward goodness without God, the Eastern Orthodox believe man, and fallen Adam, only had a weakened will after the Fall, and is essentially still good (most all agree Adam had a nature tending toward Good before the Fall)
This is made complex as the division with Catholic theology on it becomes embarrassing to both sides, considering there were supposed to be one church once. Subsequently there will always be a culture of denials about any division on it.
Semi-Pelagianism. perhaps the best western theological term that expresses the Eastern Orthodox Churches view on the nature of human free will, in combination with "ancestral sin", versus the human nature of free will in combination with "original sin" as expressed in the most common Evangelical and Protestant belief called Arminianism.
There are 3 views of mans corrupt state:
1) Calvinism = man is totally depraved (heresy)
2) Evangelical & Protestant Arminianism = man is depraved, but not totally, he can accept the gospel by free will, BUT he cannpt take the first steps toward God himself, and only under God's drawing power can he be saved. (true = moderate)
3) Eastern Orthodox = ancestral sin has a less corrupted concept of mans nature than Arminianism (based on original sin instead). Thus quote
denoting the doctrine that the first steps towards good can be taken by the human will, though supervening divine grace is needed for salvation. It was (questionably) attributed to John Cassian (d.435),
85) The Unwritten modern heresy - two gospels save.
On this website I want to present reality. The reality is Eastern Orthodox Christians and clergy are often pretentiously magnanimous, and say "We say Evangelicals and Protestants are saved too!" to avoid the fact that when their good news that saves is compared to our good news that saves, they are both different, and the one that keeps looking bogus in debates is theirs. All this does is to add yet another heresy to their growing list of heresies: namely - "There are two gospels that save!". Well not according to Galatians 1:6-9 which says anyone preaching any other gospel is anathema, that is accursed!
So let me contrarywise make a plain statement: The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic gospel of pseudo salvation is anathema, accursed, bogus, and a ticket to Hell. Jesus saves, and nothing else! I preach only one gospel that saves, not two.
86) The heresy of Masquerading as Evangelicals. Eastern Orthodox clerics and believers sometimes realise they are losing debates in front of Orthodox believers willing to convert, and masquerade as if they believe Evangelical theology on salvation, or something at least a bit nearer, when their actual church does not, and calls the true gospel "heterodoxy". I would like to point out being liars is an heresy. (this differs from the two gospels save masquerade).
Eastern Orthodox clerics and believers sometimes realise they are losing debates in front of Orthodox believers willing to convert, and masquerade as if they believe Evangelical theology on salvation, or something at least a bit nearer, when their actual church does not, and calls the true gospel "heterodoxy". I would like to point out BEING LIARS is an heresy.
87) Liturgical Language Limitation.
(research) limitation on languages that may be used in the Orthodox mass. This was the principle that the Catholics used to hide the bible in Latin from the public for over 1,000 years, as the language of prayer and worship in churches, Latin was imposed by Pope Gregory I. 600 years after Christ
The Word of God forbids praying and teaching in an unknown tongue. (1st Corinthians 14:9).
The main liturgical languages in the Orthodox Church are Greek, the various descendants of old Church Slavonic, and Arabic.
It is worth researching if the Orthodox have like the Catholics limited languages a liturgy can be read out in.
88) Joining "The Church" -
When does a person become part of the church in Orthodoxy? As a baby after exorcism, triple baptism and chrismation? Or after conformation as a catechumen (after you in effect pass your exam in Orthodox dogma)?
The Nicolaitan heresy is "Nico" to lord it over "Laitan" the Laity. There would be no more perfect example of such power games as refusing baptism to a person because his grasp of theology does not impress you.
The Oxford English Dictionary says
confirmation |kɒnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n|
noun [ mass noun ]
(in the Christian Church) the rite at which a baptized person, especially one baptized as an infant, affirms Christian belief and is admitted as a full member of the Church."
This full member phrase differs from born again Christians. We believe you are either a part of the church or not, there is n state of semi membership.
Orthodoxy has a catechumen period and test equivalent to confirmation. Thus you being "in the church" is entirely in a priests hands, only he can baptize you, only he can confirm you and announce you "passed your catechumen exam" . In Evangelicalism the entire thing is between you and God, with no men involved anywhere (1 Cor 1:17).
Born Again Christian = when born again
Orthodox = lording it over the laity (laodicean heresy)
89) Late date on the Gospels:
In order to have as long a period possible for the misnomer phrase "the oral tradition" of sharing Jesus words verbally person to person to go on, the Orthodox traditionally say the gospels were written at a later date than you would logically surmise, so as to undermine Sola Scriptura. In order to remember the words of Jesus precisely why not write them down early?
90) "The Repose of souls of the dead" Service.
in a Memorial Service. (Gr. Mnymosyno).
Holding a service to pray for, and hold a mass for, the souls of the dead is oxymoronic. The religious trappings and rhetoric of such a service are more like a confirmation of damnation, especially holding the belief that a mass performed by a priest has a salvic sacerdotalist effect, or that praying for the dead helps effect a salvation.
Gr. Mnymosyno). A special service held in the Orthodox Church for the repose of the souls of the dead. Memorial services are held on the third, ninth, and fortieth day; after six months; and one or three years after death. Boiled wheat is used as a symbol of the resurrection of everyone at the Second Coming of Christ.
91) The Authority to teach:
Evangelicals unashamedly profess and believe in having a relationship with God, were the Holy Spirit is our teacher. We have people in church with the ministry of teaching, and others teach like Pastors, however we also believe our relationship with God comes first, and if we choose to believe the Holy Spirit tells us something, we will believe that rather than a teacher we believe is in error. We thus take responsibility for what we choose to believe on the day of judgement.
This is opposite to the teaching of Orthodoxy with their hand-me-down long list of false doctrines, by a pseudo church full of man-made rituals, rites, religious trappings and devotion by rote. They believe church authority to teach is given by the laying-on of hands from one religious spiritual dwarf to another.
92) The Mother Church.
To the Orthodox the first church was the one in Constantinople, but Jesus said the first church was that in Jerusalem, quote "And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." Matt 24:47.
The Church of Jerusalem, as being the first Christian Church. Commonly, the Orthodox consider as Mother Church the Ecumenical Patriarchate as being the senior Church of the Orthodox World.
note: another contradiction. they seem to mean "It is sure the first church was in Jerusalem in Israel, but our tradition says Constantinople. Its almost like a one off proof their whole idea of human tradition is based on bunk human decision making.)
The Bible says their Mother is the Whore of Babylon!
93) Mysticism.
The search through various prayers and practices to achieve unity with God in life (theosis) (see hesychasm).
94) Orthodox. (Gr. "correct or true belief"). The common and official name used by the Greek Christians and Eastern Christian Church. The Orthodox Church maintains Her belief that She alone has kept the true Christian faith, complete and unaltered (dumb - infallible heresy).
95) Subterfuge about Grace. (in Orthodox theology)
1) Divine energy emanating from the Divine Essence.
2) Uncreated Light;
3) Divine Power; communicated by the Holy Spirit for many purposes, the highest of which is spiritual transformation, healing and Communion with God.
note: no mention of the Protestant and Evangelical Greek scholars definition of "unmerited favour" an issue that needs confronting. It seems the Orthodox Greeks are being entirely deceptive here in a way that needs much debate, clarity and exposure. To prove it is unmerited favour see Eph 2:8-9 and Rom 11:6.
96) Heretical definition of sacraments:
the American Eastern Orthodox Christian quote "All Sacraments (they made up many false ones) were instituted by Christ for the salvation of the believer.
There are only two sacraments or symbolic practices in the new covenant, they are baptism and communion, both symbolically outlining the central good news message of the gospel (1 Cor 15:1-4 & Luke 24:44-48) of the sacrifice of Christ, in the case of Baptism including the resurrection. As simply symbols nether is salvific in any way (1 Cor 1:17).
the American Eastern Orthodox Christian site states, quote:
Sacrament. (Gr. Mysterion; Sl. Tainstvo). The outward and visible part of religion, consisting of various ceremonies, words, and symbolisms, producing an invisible action by the Holy Spirit that confers grace on an individual. All Sacraments were instituted by Christ for the salvation of the believer.
notice they outright say these priestcraft administered sacraments SAVE THE BELIEVER.
97) Three hierarchs. The Orthodox Church considers in particular three bishops (hierarchs) of the Church as Her most important Teachers and Fathers, who contributed to the development and the spiritual growth of the Church. They are
1) St. Basil the Great, liturgies and mass attributed to him
2) St. Gregory the Theologian, a theology dunce if he agreed with Orthodoxy
3) St. John Chrysostom. - The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom said to be a "mass" in the Byzantine Rite.
98) Chrismation Renunciation of Errors: The confirmation service of a new adult convert to Eastern Orthodox has "the renunciation" ceremony in it. where the new proselyte must renounce in public the Reformation and the Protestant / Evangelical gospel as false. A diabolical heresy from Hell itself.
99) Denial of "the works of the flesh".
**) Denial of Works of the flesh??? that came about by the specific Catholic vocabulary (instead of biblical vocabulary) of "venial" and "mortal" sin. (tricky subject this)
100) Deceiving their own family into Hell.
102) Hank Hanegraaff and the Fifty Fifty Cult:
Hank Hanegraaff's apostasy from the Protestant Faith into Eastern Orthodoxy is of significance more because he is highlighting a new wave of heresy in the Orthodox religion, that might be best called "the fifty fifty cult" were the Orthodox do not exercise the discipline that is supposed to characterize their church, and allow people like Hank to preach a shape shifting new potpourri religion that is neither Evangelical, nor Orthodox. So just remember - every time you hear him preaching he is living proof of a lack of discipline in the Orthodoxy Faith (proof they are not in the Spirit in itself), and that they allow their novice proselytes to preach what amounts to a new fifty fifty cult that is neither Protestantism nor Eastern Orthodoxy just contradictory nonsense.
104) Denial if "The Works of the flesh"
106) 79) Ethnophyletism issues:???
107) 95) Ousia: the complex subject of the expression of the essence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and how to explicitly state this. The heresy is not suggested in their doctrine on it, but that a convert in order to be baptized might be constrained to form a doctrine on it in order to be baptized. In real baptism, such as that of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8, do you really think the underlying theology of the word homoousios had to first be expressed by him? Or he must confess a belief about the underpinning theology of Monophysitism, Dyophysitism, or Miaphysitism???
107) Uniforms (mixed up with etnophytelism
Mitre. (Gr. Mitra). The official headdress or "crown" of a bishop. In Slavic churches, some archimandrites are allowed to wear the mitre as a recognition of their service to the church (mitrateor mitrophoros). The mitre derives from the crown of the Byzantine emperor.
note: incredibly revealing! They confirm themselves the "scarlet and purple heresy" by saying these crowns derives from Byzantine Emperors!!!
Name-day. instead of your birthday - certain sinner Patron Saints, instead of a birthday party.
for an old list I compiled
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