The Patriarch of Antioch is supposedly one of the original patriarchs of Early Christianity, who presided over the bishops of Syria, Palestine, Armenia, Georgia, Mesopotamia, and India. [1]
1st Century.
Saint Peter's jurisdiction according to Eastern Orthodoxy (not at all the same as according to Roman Catholicism: - see list of Popes,)
3) Ignatius (c. 70–c. 107), who was martyred in the reign of Trajan. His seven epistles are unique sources for the early Church.
2nd Century.
3) Ignatius (c. 70–c. 107), who was martyred in the reign of Trajan. His seven epistles are unique sources for the early Church.
6) Eros of Antioch (154–169),
7) Theophilus (c. 169–c. 182).
8) Maximus I of Antioch (182–191).
3rd Century.
10) Asclepiades the Confessor (211–220).
11) Philetus (220–231).
12) Zebinnus (231–237).
13) Babylas the Martyr (237–c. 250), who, according to Nicephorus,[2] was martyred in the reign of Decius..
14) Fabius (253–256).
15) Demetrius (256–260), who was taken captive by the Persians under Shapur.
16) Paul of Samosata (260–268) supported by Zenobia, deposed by Emperor Aurelian; in Paul's time Lucian of Antioch was head of the Antiochene catechetical school [3] .
17) Domnus I (268/9–273/4) supported by Emperor Aurelian.
18) Timaeus (273/4–282).
19) Cyril I (283–303).
4th Century.
19) Cyril I (283–303).
21) Vitalius (314–320).
22) Philogonius (320–323).
23) Eustathius (324–330),.
24) Paulinus I (330, six months), formerly bishop of Tyre, Semi-Arian and friend of Eusebius of Caesarea.
25) Eulalius (331–332).
26) Euphronius (332–333).
27) Flacillus or Facellius (333–342), in whose time renovations were made to the great church of Antioch, according to Nicephorus..
28) Stephanus I of Antioch (342–344), Arian and opponent of Athanasius of Alexandria, deposed in 344..
29) Leontius the Eunuch (344–358), Arian.
30) Eudoxius (358–359), formerly bishop of Germanicia, later (360–370) bishop of Constantinople, Homoian.
31) Anianus (359), immediately deposed.
32) Meletius (360—381), Semi-Arian, deposed in the reign of Valens for Homoiousian leanings. who attended the First Council of Constantinople.. (The Meletian group.)
32) Euzoius (361–378), supported by Emperor Valens. (The Homoian group.)
32) Paulinus II (362–388). (The Eustathian group.)
This deposition resulted in the Meletian Schism, which saw several groups and several claimants to the see of Antioch:
1) The Homoian group.
2) The Meletian group.
3) The Eustathian group.
4) The Apollinarist group.
33) Vitalis (376–?), formerly a follower of Meletius, consecrated by Apollinaris of Laodicea. (The Apollinarist group.)
34) Dorotheus of Antioch (378–381). (The Homoian group.)
35) Flavian I (381–404), he obtained the recognition of Alexandria and Rome in 399. (The Meletian group.)
36) Evagrius (388–393). (The Eustathian group.)
5th Century.
37) Porphyrus (404–412). (The Meletian group.)
38) Alexander (412–417), he ended the schism with the Eustathians in 415. (The Meletian group.)
1) The Homoian group.
+) Euzoius (361–378), supported by Emperor Valens.
+) Dorotheus of Antioch (378–381).
3) The Eustathian group.
The followers of Eustathius, strictly adhering to the Nicene creed, elected the following bishops, who were recognized by the bishops of Alexandria and Rome:
+) Paulinus II (362–388).
After his death the Eustathians did not elect another bishop. In 399 they lost the recognition of Alexandria and Rome, but remained in schism until 415.
2) The Meletian group.
The largest grouping, centred on the deposed bishop Meletius. It moved towards an acceptance of the Nicene creed and participated in the Council of Constantinople, but was not recognized by Alexandria or Rome:
+) Meletius (362–381), who attended the First Council of Constantinople..
+) Flavian I (381–404), he obtained the recognition of Alexandria and Rome in 399.
+) Alexander (412–417), he ended the schism with the Eustathians in 415.
4) The Apollinarist group.
+) Vitalis (376–?), formerly a follower of Meletius, consecrated by Apollinaris of Laodicea.
39) Theodotus (417–428) (alternately 420–429).
40) John I (428–442), condemned the First Council of Ephesus in the Nestorian controversy.
41) Domnus II (442–449), deposed by the Second Council of Ephesus.
Orthodox/Oriental Schism of 451: mentioned as I presume the Oriental Orthodox church deny the apostolic line of Bishops that proceeded from the date 451 AD? And have their own lines of "true apostolic bishops" (?).The break in communion between the various Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches did not occur suddenly, but rather gradually over 2-3 centuries following the Council of Chalcedon.
42 Maximus II (449–455), appointed by Emperor Theodosius II, accepted the Council of Chalcedon, deposed under unclear circumstances.
43) Basil of Antioch (456–458), Chalcedonian.
44) Acacius of Antioch (458–461), Chalcedonian.
45) Martyrius (461–469), Chalcedonian, deposed by general Zeno.
46) Peter the Fuller (469/470–471), Non-Chalcedonian, appointed by general Zeno, deposed by Emperor Leo I.
47) Julian (471–476), Chalcedonian, exiled by Peter the Fuller.
48) Peter the Fuller (476), Non-Chalcedonian, restored by usurper Basiliscus, exiled by Emperor Zeno.
49) John II Codonatus (476–477), Non-Chalcedonian, who held the see only three months and was exiled.
50) Stephen II of Antioch (477–479), Chalcedonian.
51) Calendion (479–485), Chalcedonian, opposed the Henoticon, exiled by Zeno, replaced by Peter the Fuller.
52) Peter the Fuller (485–488), Non-Chalcedonian, restored by Emperor Zeno and condemned the same year (485) by a synod at Rome.
53) Palladius (488–498), Chalcedonian, accepted the Henoticon,
54) Flavian II (498–512), Chalcedonian, accepted the Henoticon, deposed by Emperor Anastasius I.
6th Century.
54) Flavian II (498–512), Chalcedonian, accepted the Henoticon, deposed by Emperor Anastasius I.
55) Severus (512–518), Non-Chalcedonian, appointed by Emperor Anatasius I, deposed by Emperor Justin I.
56) Paul the Jew (518–521), Chalcedonian.
57) Euphrasius (521–528), Chalcedonian [4]
58) Ephrem of Amid (528–546), Chalcedonian.
The Syriac Non-Chalcedonians recognized Severus as the legitimate Patriarch until his death in 538. In 544, Non-Chalcedonian leader Jacob Baradaeus consecrated Sergius of Tella as bishop of Antioch, opening the lasting schism between the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch, part of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Syriac Orthodox Church, part of Oriental Orthodoxy. .
Later patriarchs.
For later Patriarchs of Antioch, see:
Chalcedonian lines of Patriarchs:
List of Greek Orthodox Patriarchs of Antioch, 518 to present
List of Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarchs of Antioch, covers 1724 to present
List of Maronite Patriarchs, 8th century to present
List of Syriac Catholic Patriarchs of Antioch, covers 1783 to present
List of Latin Patriarchs of Antioch, from 1098 to 1964, when post was abolished.
Non-Chalcedonian lines of Patriarchs
List of Syriac Orthodox Patriarchs of Antioch, covers 1783 to present.
Jump up^ Walter Bauer, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, 2ed., 1979
Jump up^ de Boor, Carl, ed. (1880). Nicephori Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani Opuscula Historica. Teubner (Leipzig, repr. NY, Arno Press, 1975) pp.129–132. ISBN 0-405-07177-9.
Jump up^ Suda On Line, Adler number: lambda, 685, retrieved 27 December 2008.
Jump up^ Evagrius of Antioch, Hist. Eccles. 4.5, "he was crushed in an earthquake that destroyed the city in the seventh year, tenth month of the reign of Justin." However, Evagrius' date was wrong. See footnote in reference.
External links.
original wiki article:
List of Patriarchs of Antioch: