List of Patriarchs of Jerusalem.
The following is a list of primates of Jerusalem.
James the Just (to 62)
Simeon I (62-107)
Justus I (107-112)
Zacchaeus (112-116)
Tobias (?)
Benjamin I (?-117)
John I (117-119)
Matthew I (119-120)
Philip (?-124)
Senecas (?)
Justus II (?)
Levi (?)
Ephraim I (?)
Joseph I (?)
Judas (?-134)
Mark (134-156)
Cassianos (?)
Pouplios (?)
Maximos I (?)
Julian I (?)
Gaius I (?)
Gaius II (?)
Symmachos (?)
Julian II or Valens (?)
Capion (?)
Maximos II (?)
Antonios (?)
Valens (?)
Dolichianos (?--185)
Narcissus (185-212)
Dios (?)
Germanion (?)
Gordios (?)
Alexander (213-251)
Mozabanus (251-266)
Hymeneus (266-298)
Zambdas (298-300)
Hermon (300-314)
Macarius I (314-334)
Maximus III (334-348)
Cyril I (350-386)
John II (386-417)
Praylius (417-422)
Juvenal (422-458)....... Orthodox/Oriental Schism of 451: mentioned as I presume the Oriental Orthodox church deny the apostolic line of Bishops that proceeded from the date 451 AD? And have their own lines of "true apostolic bishops" (?).The break in communion between the various Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox churches did not occur suddenly, but rather gradually over 2-3 centuries following the Council of Chalcedon.
Anastasius I (458-478)
Martyrius (478-486)
Sallust (486-493)
Elias I (494-516)
John III (516-524)
Peter (524-544)
Macarius II (544-552)
Eustochius (552-564)
Macarius II (564-575) second time -
John IV (575-594)
Amos (594-601)
Isaac (601-609)
Zacharias (609-632)
Modestus (632-634)
Sophronius I (634-638)
See vacant (638-?) -
Anastasius II (?-706)
John V (706-735)
John VI (735-760)
Theodore (760-782)
Elias II (782-797)
George (797-807)
Thomas I (807-821)
Basil (821-842)
Sergius I (842-844)
See vacant (844-855) -
Solomon (855-860)
See vacant (860-862) -
Theodosius (864-879)
Elias III (879-907)
Sergios II (908-911)
Leontius I (911-929)
Athanasios I (929-937)
Nicholas (937)
Christodoulus I (937-950)
Agathon (950-964)
John VII (964-966)
Christodulus II (966-969)
Thomas II (969-978)
See vacant (978-981) -
Joseph II (981-985)
Orestes (986-1006)
See vacant (1006-1012) -
Theophilus I (1012-1020)
Nicephorus I (1020-1048)
Ioannikios (1048-?)
Sophronios II (?-1059)
Efthimios I (?-1084)
Simeon II (1084-1106)
Savvas (1106-?)
John VIII (1106-1156)
Nicholas (?-1156)
John IX (1156-1166)
Nikiphoros II (1166-1170)
Leontius II (1170-1190)
Dositheos I (1191)
Mark II (1191-?)
See vacant (?-1223) -
Euthemios II (1223)
Athanasios II (1224-1236)
Sophronios III (1236-?)
Gregory I (?-1298)
Thaddeus (1298)
See vacant (1298-1313) -
Athanasius III (1313-1334)
Gregory II (1332)
Lazarus (1334-1368)
Arsenios (1344)
See vacant (1368-1376) -
Dorotheos I (1376-1417)
Theophilos II (1417-1424)
Theophanes I (1424-1431)
Joachim (1431-1450)
Theophanes II (1450-1452)
Athanasios IV (1452-1460)
Jacob II (1460)
See vacant (1460-1468) -
Abraham I (1468)
Gregory III (1468-1493)
See vacant (1493-1503) -
Mark III (1503)
See vacant (1503-1505) -
Dorotheus II (1506-1537)
Germanus (1537-1579)
Sophronius IV (1579-1608)
Theophanes III (1608-1644)
Paisios (1645-1660)
Nectarius (1660-1669)
Dositheus II Notarius (1669-1707
Chrysanthus (1707-1731)
Meletius (1731-1737)
Parthenius (1737-1766)
Ephraim II (1766-1771)
Sophronios V (1771-1775)
Abraham II (1775-1787)
Procopius I (1787-1788)
Anthimus (1788-1808)
Polycarp I(1808-1827)
Athanasius V (1827-1845)
Cyril II (1845-1872)
Procopius II (1872-1875)
Hierotheus (1875-1882)
Nicodemus (1882-1890)
Gerasimus (1891-1897)
Damianus (1897-1931)
Timotheos (1935-1955)
See vacant (1955-1957) -
Benedict (1957-1980)
Diodoros (1981-2000)
Irenaios (2001-2005)
Theofilos III (2005-present)
See also
Διατελέσαντες Επίσκοποι-Πατριάρχαι (Greek) (English)
Hierarchical Succession of the Patriarchal See of Jerusalem at the Orthodox Research Institute
External link
The Bishops of Jerusalem from the Age of our Saviour to the Period under Consideration from the Historia Ecclesiastica of Eusebius of Caesarea
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