It appears that, in order to seduce the Eastern people's into their counterfeit form of the Christian faith, just like the Catholics they adopted facets of the local religions into their religion, just as they did by inventing the fake miracle of "Holy Fire" to seduce into their faith the Zoroastrians. However in the Catholic countries of religious conquest the pagans and false god worshippers never had the same beliefs as in the Eastern countries. This is the reason that the Orthodox developed the false teaching of Theosis (for instance) and the Catholics did not, and to stop the realisation of this the Eastern Orthodox seek to cunningly "organise a defense" by pretending Catholics always have and still do believe in the blasphemy of Theosis, when in actual fact they never have. This is not to say the Orthodox will not manage to convince leading Catholic figures to say otherwise. The other logical conclusion is that Hinduism and Eastern Orthodoxy wee simply attacked by the influences of the same demon spirits.
1) Long hair.
2) Beards.
3) Turban mitres.
4) Extra-biblical uniforms.
5) Long robes.
6) Repeat prayers.
7) Hesychasm and breathing rituals.
8) Pray to saints and Mary.
9) Become one with God.
achieve eventual Theosis (via hesychasm)
10) Shrines with icons at home.
**) Pray in front of shrines.
**) Pray to multiple saints
11) Burn incense to saints.
12) Kiss icons.
13) Burn candles in shrines.
14) Marked on forehead with chrism.
15) Exorcism rituals.
16) Prostration.
17) Theosis
18) Only means of salvation via priests
19) Pope (Titular head?) are God on Earth
20) Acquire vast land holdings worldwide.
21) Criticize materialism have gold, land, huge buildings
22) Jesus prayer repetitions (invoking God)
linked to brainwashing
23) Divorce and remarriage (which is polygamy in itself)
24) Bogus healings
25) enforce vegetarianism on many days in weekly fasts
26) Indoctrinate children only with Eastern Orthodoxy.
27) The Philokalia .
1) Long hair.
2) Beards.
3) Turban
4) Extra-biblical uniforms.
5) Long robes.
6) Repeat prayers.
7) Meditation and breathing rituals.
the "sound" Om is actually the name of the god Brahman
8) Pray to false gods
9) Become one with "God".
yoked with brahma through meditation
10) Shrines with icons and statues at home.
**) Pray in front of shrines.
**) Pray to multiple gods
11) Burn incense to gods.
12) Kiss pictures and statues.
13) Burn candles in shrines.
14) Marked on forehead with paint.
15) Exorcism rituals.
16) Prostration.
17) "At one" with "God"
18) Only means of salvation via gurus
19) Gurus greater than "God"
20) Acquire vast land holdings worldwide.
21) Criticize materialism have gold, land, huge buildings
22) Mantras (invoking of gods)
chanting linked to brainwashing
23) divorce and polygamy
24) White magic used for healing
25) entirely vegetarian
26) despite separation between church and state new laws, Hindu meditation is taught in schools.
27) The Vedic concept of dhayna or meditation seems to have evolved gradually with the emergence of Upanishadic thought and the idea that man personified the entire universe within himself and by himself and that hidden deep within him was an eternal principle that was Universal Self in its individual aspect. Either man (purusha) was a projection of the universe in its own mode or the universe was a projection of the individual self (purusha) in its own form. Both views enjoyed patronage of scholarly minds. If the former was true, our existence was ephemeral and part of a much larger dream, and If the latter was true, then the universe might be an illusion. In either case the world seemed to be unreal or illusory, a view that caught the attention of Hindu scholars for centuries and found its way into the monistic (advauta) philosophy of Shankara.