Salvation in this false gospel is attained through Christ (who is relegated to a Semi-Saviour) plus your own works, plus the works of A Catholic priest (and even the Pope). Also plus the works of other people who have died via the belief of works of supererogation and the "power of the keys". And even plus your own torment in Purgatory somehow making you fit for heaven.
The false gospel of the Roman Catholic religion is to deny that Jesus alone saves, and to add to the gospel their own works, and the works of their priests and Popes. This denies the born again Christian and Protestant gospel of salvation through Christ, by grace and faith alone.
The modern versions like the NIV (and the Latin of the Catholic Douay version) omit part of Romans 11:6, which should read: "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work." The Roman Catholic footnote to Romans 6:11 says:
"[6] It is not now by works: If salvation were to come by works, done by nature, without faith and grace, salvation would not be a grace or favour, but a debt; but such dead works are indeed of no value in the sight of God towards salvation. It is not the same with regard to works done with, and by, God's grace; for to such works as these, he has promised eternal salvation." Douay Version, or Rheims Version. Romans 11:6
here then is proof that Catholics believe in salvation by their own works.
Purgatory is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary in the following way:
purgatory |ˈpəːgət(ə)ri|
noun (pl.purgatories)
(often Purgatory) (in Catholic doctrine) a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven. all her sins were forgiven and she would not need to go to Purgatory. the punishment of souls in purgatory.
• [ mass noun ] mental anguish or suffering: this was purgatory, worse than anything she'd faced in her life.
adjective archaic
having the quality of cleansing or purifying: infernal punishments are purgatory and medicinal.
Believing that suffering somehow makes you fit for eternal life is a warped kind of addition to the Salvation that in reality only Christ can give, again reducing Jesus to a semi-Saviour.
If Jesus paid the price...... why a Purgatory? It shows they do not believe the Gospel.
Sacerdotalism is the belief among Catholics that Catholics priests, and the Popes, secure the salvation of Catholics through priestcraft, that is (as they see it), through infant sprinkling (a false and unbiblical counterfeit form of baptism, which should be firstly "believe and be baptized" and secondly by full immersion). the mass, absolution, and extreme unction. The belief that a babies' salvation is secured by a priest performing the sprinkling ritual (falsely called baptism) is particularly glaring in its obvious falsity. All babies who die will probably go into the Millennium Kingdom. The reality is none of this false priestcraft ministers any help to salvation whatsoever. When Jesus gave the last supper he had not even been crucified yet, so how could this so called "first mass" be giving the disciples his crucified body to be consummmed?
The Roman Catholics heretically often replace the word "repent" with the words "do penance" in their bibles. In Matthew 4:14 the Roman Catholic Douay Version says:
"From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say: Do penance, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. " The footnote on this from the previous chapter, where they claim John the Baptist also said "do penance" is....
"Do penance: Paenitentiam agite. Which word, according to the use of the scriptures and the holy fathers, does not only signify repentance and amendment of life, but also punishing past sins by fasting, and such like penitential exercises."
The word repent is linked to the true gospel by Jesus himself, when he defines it in Luke 24:44-48, however once again the Catholics warp this by writing instead:
"And that penance and remission of sins should be preached in his name, unto all nations, beginning at Jerusalem."
Salvation including penance would be salvation once again by works, as repentance is rather a condition of heart.
The theory behind indulgences, bought from the Pope for money, emphasises the beliefs of Catholics in salvation by works, because indulgences were theologically underpinned by a belief in "works of supererogation". Their belief in salvation by works, meant that such figures as Mary (the Mother of Jesus) after performing so many works as they say secured her salvation, then performed more works. These extra works the Pope supposedly had "the power of the keys" over, and if you paid him money, he was supposed to be empowered to use these "extra works" to release souls from Purgatory into heaven. The Roman Catholics are often entirely embarrassed by this today, but the very way this practice was developed shows you clearly the DO INDEED believe in salvation by works, thus reducing Jesus to a Semi Saviour who only "helps to save their souls.
(under construction)
supererogation |ˌsuːpərɛrəˈgeɪʃ(ə)nˌsjuː-|
noun [ mass noun ]
the performance of more work than duty requires.
If one is saved by works, what is the fate of a person who never did the works for 20 years? In Evangelicalism it is instant forgiveness and salvation for those who repent. In works based salvation, what is the point of works in regard to actual salvation, if you then try to imitate the Evangelical doctrine and say "yet if you do not do the works you will be saved anyway"? It is a contradiction.