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TOP 170.
161) A cherry-picking form of The Judaizing heresy
162) They deny the character of the new covenant which is freedom
163) They deny the Millennium Kingdom .
164) Candle lighting ,
165) The liturgical year - (repeat?)
166) Canon Law . The Canons of the Council of Nicea, and Nicene Creed (325) (and other Creeds) contain much heresy, yet are treated as if on a par with scripture.
167) Cathedrals . ("church" buildings in general) the slippery slope of the word "church" in Greek from the body of believers into bricks and mortar.
168) Leavened Bread & alcoholic wine in the eucharist .
169) Nepsis linked with Catharsis:
170) Forbidding to interpret and have doctrines on the Book of Revelation -
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