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TOP 180 Eastern Orthodox Heresies.


TOP 180.


171) TOP 100 Fake Saints :


​172) The church tradition (and thus infallible) that Cremation destroys the soul.

​173) Orthodox Christian (or Christian) should or must be buried in consecrated ground .​

​174) False man made burial rites of no importance .

175) The (so called) Church may deny a burial on Orthodox land to those who have committed a sin such as blasphemy, suicide, denial of their faith etc.

176) The ovum of Mary must definitely have been used in Christ's conception.

​177) Beards and the clergy -

​178) Female deacons (also nuns, abbesses etc,)

179) Mystification of doctrine:

​180) The "laity"

​​​TOP 180.


Do not ignore the part church religious artifacts play in the sorcery of Orthodoxy, and their witchcraft and wizardry.  Not only are such things the fulfilment of Simon the Sorcerer's desire for sorcery, but also it is all very similar to the "strange fire" type heresy of Aaron's sons.

1) Icons

1) Chalice,

linked with absurd man made ideas and concepts of holy areas such as the Prothesis, the Iconostasis or Table of Oblation, etc. Also holy uniforms should be worn etc. 

2) Spoon

3) distorted Crosses (and high relief crucifixes) 

4) Bell (in Catholic ceremonies used to show the moment of consubstantiation. I have yet to confirm the ways this is done in Orthodoxy)

5) Thurible / censers .

6) Offertory chalice

7) Holy Grail

8) Litia trays

9) Oil lamps / hanging / standing

10) Zion / Zeon Cup (used to put hot water into the chalice in the Rite of Constantinople)

11) Holy Bread Wood Seal

12) Holy Water brush

13) Candle stands / holders

14) Embroidered emblems

15) Gold (or gold plated) tabernacle

16) Travel communion set

17) Jewellry (also eggs)

18) Crosses (high relief crucifixes) 

19) Staffs and shepherd's crooks / croziers. 

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