The Orthodox church has a view of what the word "heresy" means that is an heresy in itself! How ironic! It is common for false churches to misinterpret the word. Heresy to the Orthodox church is teachings contradicting their church. The same with Catholicism. Whereas it is obvious heresy is serious false teachings that contradict the new covenant and new covenant law, and that this includes subjects of both positive and negative theology, that is not only should one believe in the virgin birth, the Trinity, the resurrection etc, but also it would be heretical to deny you are sinning by committing such acts as murder and adultery ("the works of the flesh") yet this is precisely what Orthodoxy does by its allowing war and second marriage.
ritualistic |ˌrɪtʃʊəˈlɪstɪk|
relating to or characteristic of rituals followed as part of a religious or solemn ceremony: a ritualistic act of worship.
• invariably performed in the same way: the party's ritualistic display of support for their leader.
a ritualist - a person who practices or advocates observance of ritual, as in religious
1) https://orthodoxwiki.org/Holy_water
2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_water_in_Eastern_Christianity
3) http://www.johnsanidopoulos.com/.../on-holy-water-of...
We use holy water which we have blessed on the Feast of Theophany, the Lord's baptism and the revelation of the Holy Trinity. Tap water is fine.....
1) Baptismal ritualism
2) Eucharist ritualism
3) Ritualism in just about everything
1) ritualistic candle lighting.
2) ritualistic incense burning.
3) chanting.
4) The consecration of a church
study this topic...............
apostolic succession
(in Christian thought) the uninterrupted transmission of spiritual authority from the Apostles through successive bishops, Popes and Orthodox Titular Heads as taught by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, that is denied by most Protestants and born again Christians.
"I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:" Revelation 2:2
They believe in Apostolic Succession.
The Creed: We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made: Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and was made man; And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; And the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father; And He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end. And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke by the Prophets; And we believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins. We look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the age to come. Amen.
By "one Apostolic church" they mean "we believe we have been given hand-me-down-power from the Apostles in an unbroken line of succession, leading up to our false bishops who dress up in long golden robes, golden cloaks and funny hats and think they give us Jesus to eat every week, to complete our sacerdotalist salvation" etc. Your notions are not from God. Your bishops are fakes and so is the whole notion of pass-it-on-power, like the Pope being St. Peter mark 2.
If apostolic power is handed on today, name your apostles you recognize. An apostle was more than just a bishop
Also if apostolic power is handed on, and the Pope is heretical, when was the last true bishop of his jurisdiction, what is th name of that jurisdiction, and who is the present day TRUE bishop over that jurisdiction?
Cletus or Anicletus or Linus.
one example
St. John of Damascus (in his Exposition) states the literal opinion of the Church Fathers that St. Elijah will return to earth with holy Enoch before Judgment Day. This will fulfill the ancient prophecy of the Prophet Malachi (4:5-6), which states:
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children…” (Malachi 4:5-6).
Is it possible this was a tradition in Orthodoxy, that was suddenly demoted to opinions in more modern times, as the doctrinal and theological significance of this interpretation was realised in the light of Evangelical scrutiny of their beliefs?
there is not one purpose built church in the new testament. The first thing like it later, historians say, was idol temples converted into much the same, and even the statues of gods renamed as "Apostle A" or "Apostle B" or "Mary" etc. The church was then and is now the saints themselves, quote: "And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house:" Philemon 1:2.
They deny physical Hell in a Lake of Fire and sulphur, instead teaching everyone receives the love of God on his return, and the most sinful souls are tormented worse by this revelation. A staggeringly heretical teaching, almost as bad as the Jehovah's Witnesses.
I have been shocked also there seems a lot of evidence the Eastern Orthodox religion is lax on not only divorce and remarriage, but the pill and abortion too. It seems almost like a sexually corrupted form of Catholicism, who wants to keep and even make converts by offering them "a plenty sweet deal" on moral laxity.
"According to Roman Catholicism, a venial sin is a lesser sin that does not result in a complete separation from God and eternal damnation in Hell as an unrepented mortal sin would."
(Latin: peccata mortalia), in Catholic theology, is a gravely sinful act, which can lead to damnation if a person does not repent of the sin before death."
again I was shocked that Orthodox theology talks around this subject, saying things that amount to diversions from the fact that they have an indistinct and unfinished theology, like "sin is sin". They ignore the consequences of their inexplicit stance. They are in effect third rate theologists, by further making the situation foggy by a pretense this is an issue only connected to the false doctrine of Purgatory, which it is not. Degrees of sin appear in the theology of Evangelical and Protestant theology also.
The bible specifically states, EVERYONE who commits unrepentantly a list of sins known as "the works of the flesh" will go to eternal Hell, which includes adulter and murder.
related to this are:
"weightier matters of the law"
"you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel"
"But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city" (degrees of Hell).
Hesychasm, in Eastern Christianity, type of monastic life in which practitioners seek divine quietness (Greek hēsychia) through the contemplation of God in uninterrupted prayer. Such prayer, involving the entire human being—soul, mind, and body—is often called “pure,” or “intellectual,” prayer or the Jesus prayer. St. John Climacus, one of the greatest writers of the Hesychast tradition, wrote, “Let the remembrance of Jesus be present with each breath, and then you will know the value of the hēsychia.” In the late 13th century, St. Nicephorus the Hesychast produced an even more precise “method of prayer,” advising novices to fix their eyes during prayer on the “middle of the body,” in order to achieve a more total attention, and to “attach the prayer to their breathing.” This practice was violently attacked in the first half of the 14th century by Barlaam the Calabrian, who called the Hesychasts omphalopsychoi,or people having their souls in their navels.
St. Gregory Palamas (1296–1359), a monk of Mt. Athos and later archbishop of Thessalonica, defended the Hesychast monks. In his view the human body, sanctified by the sacraments of the church, is able to participate in the prayer, and human eyes may become able to see the uncreated light that once appeared on Mt. Tabor on the day of Christ’s transfiguration. The teachings of Palamas were confirmed by the Orthodox Church in a series of councils held in Constantinople (1341, 1347, 1351). Hesychast spirituality is still practiced by Eastern Christians and is widely popular in Russia through the publication of a collection of Hesychast writings, known as the Philokalia, in Greek in 1783 at Venice and in Slavonic in 1793 at St. Petersburg.
It all sounds a bit like meditation practices of Buddhism and Eastern religions being syphoned into Eastern Orthodoxy.
Jesus Prayer, also called Prayer of the Heart, in Eastern Christianity, a mental invocation of the name of Jesus Christ, considered most efficacious when repeated continuously. The most widely accepted form of the prayer is “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.” It reflects the biblical idea that the name of God is sacred and that its invocation implies a direct meeting with the divine.
The tradition of the Jesus Prayer goes back to the “prayer of the mind,” recommended by the ancient monks of the Egyptian desert, particularly Evagrius Ponticus (died 339). It was continued as the “prayer of the heart” in Byzantine Hesychasm, a monastic system that seeks to achieve divine quietness. Since the 13th century, mental prayer was frequently connected with psychosomatic methods, such as a discipline of breathing. In modern times the practice of the Jesus prayer was popularized by the publication of the Philokalia (1782), an anthology of texts by various authors on mental prayer. The Jesus Prayer is commonly recited with the aid of a prayer rope.
quote "One year and sometimes two of instruction and preparation to become Orthodox Christians." The fact is that is heresy. The moment you believe in Jesus you become part of the Faith and a Christian. A catechism is simply a man made exam to see if you are suitably indoctrinated yet, and willing to dump the bible to "fit into" a religious social club, like Esau selling out his birthright for a bowl full of stew.
Jesus said "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: " Matthew 28:20, but proselytes into the Eastern Orthodox religion are taught from the beginning to put traditions of men first, or they are non starters.
That burial can only be on consecrated ground is a heresy. It has no grounding in scripture. It is used as part of the Eastern Orthodox funeral extortion racket, that is bankrupting "the laity" in Greece.
Is common in Orthodoxy. How can an angel hear so many prayers, or even answer them, when they are servants, not mediators.
The "rules". Unbelievably I think this might mean toward a bishop, or perhaps the altar, or icon wall.
People who adore and venerate deceased corpses. e,g.
The relics of Saint Ephraim, were "were" discovered through divine revelation in 1950 … 524 years after his death. They dress his skeleton up and go to venerate it. Just one example of death cult veneration in Eastern Orthodoxy.
Nepsis = is supposedly based on 1 Peter 5:8, there is nothing wrong with being alert and of a sober mind, but in Eastern Orthodoxy the struggle against the corruption of the passions is conducted through ascetic effort ( = characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence) to purify the soul.
It is similar to catholics thinking crawling on their knees for fifty miles achieves something spiritual, or Muslims flogging themselves with balls of sharp spiked chains. It is in fact just another excuse for ritualism and tradition, in order to defile the true concept of being alert - ALERT against those very kind of things!!!
so when a backslidden Orthodox dies, he is escorted by Angels with a hinterland, where he has no chance to gain salvation whatever. That means he is PREJUDGED as damned.
That means the remainder must be NOT in a state of no salvation possible, they are logically either
1) In a prejudged state of salvation (thus escorted by angels toward heaven) but can blow it by giving in to demonic attack
2) Neither pre-damned nor pre- judged-as-saved, but can be saved if they add to their "salvation process" overcoming these demonic attacks.
Thus there are 3 types of people in this "Areal zone". However the existence of 2 types of pre-judged people is a contradiction of Orthodox theology that states no one is in a state of salvation before 1) The Day of Judgement, or 2) Finding themselves in Heaven.
Therefore Aereal Toll house contradicts standard Orthodoxy.
If you can pray to thousands of saints now, in heaven, when the Day of Judgement has not yet occurred, then you can be in a state of salvation before that. Right? Some would sway that very belief proves that is it the Evangelical belief that you are in a state of salvation now, because of Christ, before the Day of Judgement, and the Orthodox view that you cannot be is therefore false. The same people would argue the same thing with Aerial Toll Houses - is some people are being escorted to heaven by angels, and are tempted along the way, they are in a state of salvation before heaven, and before the Day of Judgement, but need to not throw away that salvation.
According to St. John, even the souls of innocent infants must pass through these toll-houses, for the all-evil devil seeks to snatch their souls, too. However, the infants make the following confession (according to St. John): "We have passed by the evil spirits without suffering any harm. For the dark custom officials saw our spotless body and were put to shame; they saw the soul good and pure and were embarrassed; they say the tongue immaculate and pure and blameless and they were silenced; we passed by and humiliated them. This is why the holy angels of God who met and received us rejoiced, the righteous greeted us with joy and the saints with delight said, 'Welcome, the lambs of Christ!'"
quote on the absurdity of the infant confession "St John figuratively spoke for them."
in more modernist jurisdictions, there is a tendency to abbreviate the services, with references to the toll houses removed.
quote: it's only among converts in the US and Canada. Orthodox Christians in touch with the Holy Tradition believe in this Orthodox teaching.
a change in the state of the departed can be effected through prayer.
The subject of the toll-houses is not specifically a topic of Orthodox Christian theology: it is not a dogma of the Church in the precise sense, but comprises material of a moral and edifying character, one might say pedagogical.
the Particular Judgment which occurs within 8 days after death. The Toll Houses refer to that time frame and determine whether we go to "Abraham's bosom" or to a "Place of Torment".
the 8 and 40 day memorial services, - liked with Toll House prayers. see link
We very much believe in the existence of the toll houses as compiled by Fr Seraphim Rose in his book The Soul After Death, which really is a gathering of quotes form the Holy Fathers.
All prophets in Orthodoxy are false simply because they are believing Orthodox errors in the first place. The claim the Apostles were Orthodox is entirely bogus, as the core centre of Orthodoxy is a potpourri of early heresies that gradually formed into the Whore of Babylon and her daughters.
1) Elder Paisios of mount Athos, false prophet (make list).
(I refuse to make this youtube link active here, because I do not post pictures of God, or Jesus who was God in the flesh, as it contradicts Gods commands to keep ourselves from idols, and Brother Nathaniel, as most Orthodox believers are, is up to his neck in these icons, and keeps one continually on show, as his only real link with Jesus is in idols, not in verity and truth.)
2) Perhaps to this list of Orthodox Christian false prophets we can add Brother Nathanael himself, who made a freaky video called "Why The Antichrist Will Come on December 29, 2016 ?" on Youtube.
The entire idea is oxymoronic, like a vegetarian meat eater is. I must try to list the long variation of types of Orthodoxy, and prove the facade of one united church claiming the same beliefs "back to the Apostles". There is no way the Apostles were like Orthodoxy. This may unveil a long list of other false prophets too, beside their more traditional ones.
When you go into an Eastern Orthodox church they aim incense straight at you, and you look about at icons of people with weirdly drawn faces, in gaudy unbiblical settings of gold and silver. It seems almost trippy. Their intention seems to be to intoxicate people into a drug induced religious state of intoxication, or a least muddled, getting a buzz from it, tipsy, high, or under the influence of it. Its a bad example, a bit like Eastern heroine smoking. There is growing evidence incense is a mind altering drug. Signs made by the hands of Jesus in icon paintings are first seen in pictures of Buddha or in other Eastern idol paintings.
I must try to list the long variation of types of Orthodoxy, and prove the facade of one united church claiming the same beliefs "back to the Apostles". There is no way the Apostles were like Orthodoxy. I have a feeling there are Pentecostal Orthodox churches out there.
1) Praying for the dead.
2) The dead can pray for you!
3) Vain repetitions in prayer.
4) Prayer Books.
If Joan Waste (Foxes Book of Martyrs) had been having a prayer book read to her (she was a blind rope maker) not the bible, Bloody Mary may well of not had her burnt alive.
5) Cycle of Prayer: At the centre of worship and belief is the Eucharist surrounded by the Divine Offices or the Cycle of Prayer. These prayers are sung particularly at Sunset and Dawn and at certain other times during the day and night. Personal prayer plays an important part in the life of an Orthodox Christian. For many Orthodox Christians an important form of prayer is the Jesus Prayer. This is a sentence which is repeated many times; for example: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." The aim of this repetition is to enable the person to concentrate solely on God.
The strict life of a monk or nun is seen as an important expression of faith.
6) Jesus Prayer:
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
This is the longest form. The shortest is "Lord, have mercy." which is heard repeatedly in every liturgical service of the Church.
7) Mary as Mediator.
8) Praying to the dead! Mary is dead! Mary has not been resurrected yet!
If you want to debate with the Orthodox, get to know what a sophism is. As there is no substance to their theology sophisms, incongruous answers, quotes from bogus saints, sages and hermits, and continual references to the long list of "logical fallacies" like strawman and ad hominem are common. By incongruous answers I mean things like you proving the person believes in salvation by works and priestcraft, thus cannot sing the hymn "In Christ alone my hope is found" and him replying "thanks for proving my point" when you proved your own point and refuted his. These people are drunk on religion according to Revelation 17 and simply want to muddy the water in debates and escape in the fog, don't expect sincerity from them, only when Jesus draws and convinces them will they attain that. Prayer is necessary.
A sophism is quote "a clever but false argument, especially one used deliberately to deceive." The Greeks are famous for these, like "the first among equals" and "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others".
1) Many are ecumenical.
The connection and relationship between the Roman Catholic religion and Orthodoxy is heretical. How can they see Roman Catholics as saved people, and just a "wayward part of the true church" when their teachings are so evil, even according to Orthodoxy. The Roman Catholics for instance tell us that the first Pope was Saint Peter, that he was "Head of the Church" and the church was built on him. Well at what point in history did that emerge as a doctrine? The Pope is supposed to be infallible in doctrine, and so is the Roman Catholic Church. Well then, what of all the blood spilt in..... the Holy Inquisition, the Crusades, the Conquistadores, the Spanish Armada, the doctrine of Just War by Aquinas (and before), the doctrine of capital punishment, the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre and other massacres, the attempted annihilation of many sects such as the Lollards, the book "The Hammer of the Witches" and their persecution of them and of course the innocent? A blood bath of murders, that obviously fits "And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth." Revelation 18:24, but of course the Orthodox church will not attribute that verse to the Catholics and Rome, because then that would make them her daughters.
2) Other associations
ecumenical |ˌiːkjʊˈmɛnɪk(ə)l, ɛk-|
representing a number of different Christian Churches. he was a member of ecumenical committees.
• promoting or relating to unity among the world's Christian Churches: the ecumenical movement.
Ironically Orthodoxy seems to be two churches in one. There is an "inner sanctum" of so called Old Calendarists, who think the vast majority of bishops and priests are compromisers. because they are too liberal and allow such things as interdenominational marriages, such as between an Orthodox man and an Evangelical woman, or maybe a Roman Catholic woman. But these liberal bishops and other clergy seem to be in such vastly bigger numbers all the Old Calendarist clergy ever do is mumble about it on FaceBook they never try to defrock "rebel clergy" or discipline them. Maybe this is because the so called liberal clergy vastly ouit number them, and they fear a reversal of fortunes, in that by trying to repudiate bishops for being lax, they get a put down from the bigger numbers as too draconian from their perspective, and the true power base in Orthodoxy is seen to be with the liberals? It might even result in a schism?
The term commonly refers to those Orthodox Christians who left Orthodoxy and acknowledged the jurisdiction of the Pope of Rome while retaining the rites and practices observed by Orthodoxy. There have been several movements of this type throughout Church history.
The term “uniate” is seen as negative by such individuals, who are more commonly referred to as Catholics of the Byzantine Rite, Greek Catholics, Eastern Rite Catholics, Melkite Catholics, or any number of other titles.
The host of the "Bible Answer Man", Hank Hanegraaff has apparently been converted to the Eastern Orthodox Religion, and is simultaneously teaching Protestant and Evangelical teachings, without repudiation from Orthodoxy. This does not entirely surprise me, even though it is doctrinally totally a contradictory situation. The Eastern Orthodox Church is beginning to realise that Evangelical Christians are far superior at theology than they are, and want to try to start blurring the edges between the two distinct stands on doctrine. The objective is to cause confusion in the less advanced bible study students, and thus to prevent them from making the decision to get out of the false Orthodox religion into real Christianity.
This word is "Sergianism," or, transcribed from Russian, "Sergianstvo." refers to a purported doctrine of craven submission to the communist and atheistic government of the former Soviet Union on the part of the Hierarchy of the Orthodox Church of Russia, led by the Patriarchate of Moscow and All Russia. The "Sergi" of Sergianism is the late Patriarch Sergi of Moscow who, while deputy locum tenens of the Patriarchal Throne, issued an encyclical letter which announced that henceforward the joys of the Soviet communist homeland would be the joys of the Church and the sorrows of the Soviet communist homeland would he the sorrows of the Church.
Considered a major heresy by so called "True Orthodoxy" along with Ecumenicalism. Those in Orthodoxy who resisted were heavily persecuted, as were those in the mid 17th Century who resisted Patriarch Nikon's radical reforms, yet Orthodoxy seems to totally discount the possibility that true Christian believers who renounced Emperor Constantine as a false Christian were persecuted. Sergianism is just another example of splits in their churches that they try to say do not happen as they do in Evangelicalism and Protestantism.
The Orthodox often heavily criticize just about every form of dispensationalism, but, when you think about it, all the modern examples of Eastern Orthodoxy, even the self styled "True Orthodoxy" churches, are so radically different in different stages of their history from the original church, they are in effect preaching dispensationalism of a kind themselves.
Certain forms of dispensationalism are highly heretical that are found in certain Protestant and purportedly Evangelical sects, such as the belief Jesus only taught marriage for life to a possibly predominantly Jewish audience in the Sermon on the Mount, and that a new gospel of salvation is preached in Revelation 14 in a variation of the Early Rapture theory, along with the heresy God at that time removes the Holy Spirit from the Earth.
Other forms of dispensationalism are far more innocuous.
Musical instruments are banned from old school Orthodox churches. In a church that contradicts the new covenant by drawing so much from old testament law (as it suits them) this is strange as the OT clearly had the use of instruments in praise.
worshiping God via a script. A contradiction of John 4:24 "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." It is an extension of their corruption with Eastern religions.
With no music. A corruption of Eastern religions, similar to mantras.
quote from a FaceBook Group blurb:
""Western Rite(s)" as we know it nowadays, unfortunately incorporates post-schisms innovations, such as organs, pews, post-schism vestments, architectural innovations, 3D imagery etc. A "Western Rite" whose roots do not run deep into the pre-Schism Church cannot share the same Christian Faith with an Eastern Rite whose roots run even to the beginning of our Church, to its establishment by Our Lord Christ Himself. "
and: quote:
"We don’t support the presence of pews, artificial instruments, neo-pagan imagery or any post- Schism innovation in our liturgies and temples. We believe that for any parish to be incorporated into the Life of the Church, it must belong and be consciously joined to the continuity of Orthodoxy since Apostolic Times. "
In such groups pictures are posted of the design of churches, where the bishop has his own throne (unbiblical, and staggeringly vain and pompous) and the church is designed to specifically have icons (a renaming of idols) and worst of all a special room to keep the elements of the eucharist as if it is a new testament version of the old testament "holy of holies" which is to design the church building around the blasphemy of the mass, and the hocus pocus pseudo-biblical rites of Eastern Orthodoxy.
This shows their churches are rife with division, yet again, over issues of "incomplete catechesis". Calling these places temples shows the link to the practice of early heretics and sects who historians and archeologists say converted pagan churches into use as churches.
Along with their murders in wars, the Orthodox religion believes in the heresy of capital punishment. John 8:7 forbids this, and Romans 13 is not a justification to saints, it is secular, that is that government in general is preferable to the anarchy before the flood. Orthodoxy therefore once again believes in murder.
Not only do the Orthodox believe in the heresy of capital punishment, but in entirely bogus judgements, and the false writing of history. The story of the killing of the heretic Julia by a pseudo miracle through St Porphyry is a good example. He is supposed to have been grieved by her heresy, and by his word she was miraculously first silenced, then dropped dead in front of him, her followers running forward and repenting.
This story is a clear imitation of the story of Ananias and Sapphira and is just another example of Orthodoxy forging history to back-up their bogus religion.
If such a story as this was to become unpopular and lose them converts, they would simply modify it, or drop it, like a lizard losing its tail. That shows the worthless nature of their traditions, "the Word of God standeth sure" but not their make believe traditions.
One of the most caustic heresies ever, that has kept the masses chained to the extortion of the Whore of Babylon, Orthodoxy, and other false churches, is the totally bogus false teaching "people must be buried in hallowed church ground". Whats hallowed about heretic sects who preach works salvation and sacerdotalism? Why is that hallowed? It is not.
The Old Calendarist Schism of the 1920's
"The Revised Julian Calendar" with a new leap year rule proposed by the astronomical delegate Milutin Milankovic. This became a huge schism in Orthodoxy.
Old Calendarists: There are at least three types, The Florinites (the largest group) , The Cyprianites of the Synod in Resistance, and the Matthewites. all of which have factions within themselves.
"like the heathen do". The Orthodox repeat prayers, as they are the equivalents of Eastern mantras. The Eastern religions took it further and invented prayer wheels, to make their religion even more robotic. The equivalent of that in Orthodoxy might be burning a candle. One has to ask if the wrath reference to bread and candles in Revelation 18 is the mass and religious candles, or just ordinary use of bread and light? The Orthodox will always deny it is their false religious practices.
President Vladimir Putin.
The sycophantic attitude of a massive percentage of the Eastern Orthodox (especially in Russia) toward President Putin, is something that has characterized the Eastern Orthodox religion throughout the centuries, in the sense of crawling to dictators, tyrants, warlike leaders or those who attack freedom of speech, freedom of religion.
Ban on Interpreting the Book of Revelation
The 666 Mark.
By refusing to properly interpret the Book of Revelation (Orthodoxy openly discourage it to be interpreted in order to avoid people seeing the Whore of Rome has daughters, one of which is them!) the Orthodox pave the way for multi millions of Catholics and various Orthodox churches to take the 666 mark, having neglected the teaching ministry they profess falsely to have.