Face facts - the Eastern Orthodox religion is split over the whole idea of Ecumenicalism. Where Protestants are transparent about divisions the Orthodox are not.
1) Unity with the Catholics .
Who many in Orthodoxy see as just another attempt by the Pope to seize more power, diplomatically
2) Unity with Oriental Orthodoxy .
H.H. Mor Ignatius Zakka I I was on Unity
“The split of the Christian church is a big mistake, a blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and an ignoring of the existence of Christ who promised: “… the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” (Mt 16:18) I invite you to stand before history for a moment to see the reason for our divisions. You will see that thousands of innocents have shed blood, righteous men have suffered and been expelled from their countries. We thank God that Christian churches in this generation have begun to feel the necessity of continuing the Christian dialogue and as a result they have drawn closer to each other and planned for continuous meetings at various levels to study different subjects. The unity of Christianity can only happen in and around Christ, who is the head of the Church and we with all our doctrines are only parts of the holy body of Christ.
Satan is still at work. He brings about disturbances, constantly encourages new splits and wants from that the division of the body of Christ which is the Church. We have to be careful. Politics usually uses religion to reach its worldly goals. We should limit our talks to spiritual themes because the kingdom of Christ is not of this world. We do not want the unity of Christianity to fight against other religions. Instead we want unity to reach our goal more quickly; that is the constructive dialogue with others who believe in God and here especially with the Muslims with whom we share one homeland. Let us learn from history. Let us avoid what splits us. Let us walk the way that leads to a better understanding, to a life in which love and peace rule.”
H.H. Mor Ignatius Zakka I I was, Patriarch of Antioch, speaking at the University of Humboldt, Berlin on May 16, 1995
History of Dialogue
The first unofficial meeting between clergy and theologians of the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches took place in Aarhus, Denmark in 1964. There were 4 unofficial meetings:
Aarhus – 1964
Bristol – 1967
Geneva – 1970
Addis Ababa – 1971
These were followed by a series of official dialogues between the Churches. These took place at:
Geneva – 1985
Egypt – 1989
Geneva – 1990 [1] [2]
Geneva – 1993
A number of statements have been issued by the Joint Commission, as well as agreements relating to Pastoral matters. The main agreement is that ‘We have inherited from our fathers in Christ the one apostolic faith and tradition.’"
see this link: https://orthodoxjointcommission.wordpress.com/?fbclid=IwAR1NmowV9vrqmd1NAYx9xpOh86uRGgbOG94SQpxFGqbem2lVjL8tz7d8Lac ,